Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stocker turned Stalker

He's creepy.
He's sneaky.
He's a stalker.
He's evil.
He's lonely.
He needs a woman.
And a shave.
He is...

Jud Fry

I'm happy.
I'm friendly.
I'm a stocker.
I'm good.
I feel loved.
I don't need a woman.
But I do need a shave.
I am...

Joseph Bailey

We do have a thing in common:

We're both Jud Fry.


Michelle said...

Yay, Jofus! You go with your creepy alter-ego!

JenB said...

Wow, Joseph! That is a difficult part. Good luck!

Chantelle and Fam said...

GOOD JOB JOSEPH!!!! I heard it was really competitive to get that part.